Accepted Paper at GandALF 2019
The paper “A Stay-in-a-Set Game without a Stationary Equilibrium” of Michael Raskin and Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen was accepted at GandALF’19.
The paper “A Stay-in-a-Set Game without a Stationary Equilibrium” of Michael Raskin and Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen was accepted at GandALF’19.
Chana Weil-Kennedy presented the article “Parameterized Analysis of Immediate Observation Petri Nets”, a joint work with Javier Esparza and Mikhail Raskin, at Petri Nets’19 where it received the Best Paper Award.
Michael Blondin, Javier Esparza and Stefan Jaax are presenting an article titled “Expressive Power of Broadcast Consensus Protocols” at CONCUR’19. The abstract reads: Abstract: Population protocols are a formal model of computation by identical, anonymous mobile agents interacting in pairs. Their computational power is rather limited: Angluin et al. have Read more…
The PaVeS people are very pleased to announce the arrival of a new member, Marijana Lazić! Marijana describes her research interests in her own words as follows: “I am interested in parameterized model checking and synthesis of fault-tolerant distributed algorithms (FTDAs). During my PhD studies I was focusing on a Read more…
Philipp Meyer held his talk at TACAS’19 about “Computing the expected execution time of probabilistic Workflow-Nets”. The slides can be found here.
Javier Esparza gave a talk at the PhDopen-talks of the University of Bordeaux about Verification of Distributed Algorithms.
The paper “Computing the Expected Execution Time of Probabilistic Workflow Nets” by Philipp Meyer, Javier Esparza and Philip Offtermatt is now published in the proceedings of TACAS’19.
The PaVeS-group is excited to host Ahmed Bouajjani for his research visit at the TUM. Additionally, Philipp Meyer, Javier Esparza and Philip Offtermatt published the pre-print of their contribution to TACAS’19.
The PaVeS-group is very happy to announce the acceptance of the paper “Parameterized Analysis of Immediate Observation Petri Nets” at Petri Nets’19. The main contribution of the paper is to prove PSPACE-completeness for the parameterized reachability, coverability and liveness property in Immediate Observation Petri Nets a certain class of Petri Read more…
The PaVeS-Group is excited to announce the arrival of Fabian Reiter at our chair! Here is a short description of the research interests of our new member in his own words: I am interested in logic and formal models of distributed computing. One of my major goals is to contribute Read more…